Products & Services

We’ve Been Helping Customer Transact Money Easily.

Send Money
Multi-currency account, send it, spend it, transfer money world-wide
Move your money between countries with ease and security
Extra-secure transactions, we use 2-factor authentication to protect your account and transactions. That means only you can access your own account and send money. Protecting you and your money
Using our secured app
No monthly Fees
We are regulated by Labuan Financial Services Authority

Open Account
Account opening made simple
With just one account with Monfi, you can save, spend and invest
Multi-currency options
All accessible by our Mobile App or Web Portal.
Register now. Download the app on App Store or GooglePlay and start your digital banking experience.

Card Management
Fast Application and Activation
Enjoy hassle free & instant approval without worrying about credit score
Complete control of your finances
Make global payments with our Card. Equipped with features that facilitate borderless transactions
Global Reach. Built entirely for a worldwide audience
Transparent Process. Track your expenditure from anywhere globally
Powered by Visa gives you the freedom to spend, travel and access funds anywhere in the world
Global acceptance. Spend in 180+ countries with our Card
You set the rules, you set limits at your convenience and enjoy seamless payment experience anywhere in the word that accepts Visa
Funds can be withdrawn at ATMs around the world that accept Visa cards
Uncompromised Security & Privacy

Digital Assets
In collaboration with a global leading digital asset platform providing best in class trading and technology services
Access to a Trusted 24/7 Digital Asset Platform, offering a professional, secure and frictionless digital assets trading exchange with compliance toolkits built-in
Access to Digital Asset offering multi-currency and regulated asset-backed multi-token
Regain control of your financial future, taking advantage of market trends and having confidence to act quickly
Who we are?
Monfi Digital Bank Ltd. is a company incorporated in Labuan under the Labuan Companies Act 1990 on 10th November 2022 with company license number 230148DB4